Motorcycle Insurance: Don’t Leave Home Without It

If you ride a motorcycle and live in the Las Vegas, NV area, then you undoubtedly appreciate the warmth, climate, beauty, and open roads Nevada offers. The bad news is that there are also millions of other drivers out there who also visit, live, and travel those same roads. That is also why you don’t want to leave home without motorcycle insurance from reliable and trusted providers like the Leo Insurance Group.

According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), there are approximately 80,000 motorcycle accident-related injuries every year. And that doesn’t account for the number of non-injury motorcycle incidents. While none of us ever want to be an accident statistic, we all appreciate insurance if we ever are.

Motorcycle Protection for Las Vegas Bikers

Go ahead and get out there, open up the throttle, and feel the wind in your face and the powerful growl of that engine. Just make sure that you are prepared, just in case. If you own and ride a motorcycle in or around the Las Vegas, NV area, let the friendly professionals at the Leo Insurance Group keep you and your bike protected.

From bodily injury to property damage or medical to collision coverage, riders need the right insurance plans. For all your motorcycle insurance needs, talk to licensed, experienced, and professional agents before hitting the road.

The Las Vegas Motorcycle Insurance Experts

If you are looking for motorcycle insurance in or near Las Vegas, NV or shopping insurance plans, we invite you to talk to our helpful and knowledgeable team at the Leo Insurance Group. For all your insurance questions and motorcycle insurance needs, contact us and ride with the Leo Insurance Group today.

Four details you need to look at on your umbrella insurance policy

Umbrella insurance is a great financial product for consumers who are looking for more financial security. At Leo Insurance Group, we provide umbrella insurance to consumers in Las Vegas, NV.

There are numerous details that consumers need to look into when evaluating umbrella insurance.

The following are four details you need to look at on your umbrella insurance policy. 

The amount of coverage you’re getting

Umbrella insurance policies specify the maximum amount of coverage that they can offer. As a general rule, consumers should invest in enough umbrella insurance coverage to cover the full amount of their net worth. 

The coverage requirements that your primary policies must meet

Umbrella insurance policies usually specify a certain amount of coverage that a policyholder’s primary policies need to provide. Make sure that your home, auto, and other insurance policies meet the coverage requirements specified in your umbrella insurance policy. 

The coverage offered for legal defense expenses

Legal costs are one of the most important types of expenses that your umbrella insurance policy needs to cover. That’s because you could face very high legal fees if you are sued.

Make sure you choose an umbrella insurance policy that offers adequate coverage for costs you might face while mounting a legal defense if you face a lawsuit. 

The process for filing a claim

Be sure to do some research on the claims process so that you know what to do if you need to use your umbrella insurance. This will save time and minimize stress down the road. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you have questions about umbrella insurance in Las Vegas, NV, get in touch with us at Leo Insurance Group to find the answers you’re looking for. Get started on the path to a secure financial future by contacting us for a policy quote today!

Are You Required to Have Condo Insurance?

If you purchase a condo, it’s important to know which insurance coverage the building provides and which coverages you need to provide. In most cases, a condo building requires you to have insurance coverage on the interior spaces of the condo. If you would like to learn more about condo insurance, please contact us at Leo Insurance Group. We provide Insurance products and services for the residents of the Las Vegas, NV area.

Condo Insurance Coverage 

And most instances, condo buildings require you to provide insurance coverage for your interior and contents, while the condo building provides exterior coverage. If you would like to learn more about condo Insurance coverage, our agents can help you determine which policies suit your needs. Our goal is to provide each customer with the best policy options to meet or exceed their needs.

We carefully assess your individual situation to determine what type of coverage or level of coverage is adequate to meet condo specifications and adequately prevent loss. If you would like to learn more about how we can assist you with policy selection, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can not only provide support with selecting a policy, but we can also provide you with assistance for any changes during the lifetime of the policy or claim submissions.

Reach Out Today 

If you would like to get answers to questions or assistance with policy selection, please call or stop by the office of Leo Insurance Group, which probably serves the residents in and around the Las Vegas, NV area. Don’t risk losses as a result of inadequate or missing condo insurance coverage. We are here to work with you to help you get the insurance coverage that provides peace of mind.

Home Insurance Myths: Debunking Common Misconceptions

As a homeowner in Las Vegas, NV, having home insurance is essential. However, many myths surrounding home insurance can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect decisions. Leo Insurance Group will debunk some of the most common home insurance myths and provide valuable information to help you make informed decisions about your coverage.

Home Insurance Myths

Myth #1: Home insurance covers all types of damage.

Fact: While home insurance covers many types of damage, such as fire, windstorm, and water damage, it does not cover everything. For instance, standard policies typically exclude damage from floods, earthquakes, and intentional acts of damage. Full coverage may require additional policies, such as flood and earthquake insurance.

Myth #2: Home insurance is too expensive.

Fact: While home insurance premiums can be costly, they are much cheaper than replacing or repairing your home after a disaster. There are ways to lower your premiums, such as increasing your deductible, bundling your policy with other insurance types, and implementing safety features in your home.

Myth #3: You only need enough coverage to cover your mortgage.

Fact: Your mortgage company may require enough insurance to cover your mortgage, but that does not necessarily mean you have sufficient coverage for your needs. You should consider your property’s actual value, replacement costs, liability coverage, and potential hazards in your area when determining how much coverage you need. Don’t underestimate the value of your possessions, as they can also be covered under your policy.

Reach Out To Us

Home insurance can provide valuable protection and peace of mind for homeowners in Las Vegas, NV. By avoiding these misconceptions and working with Leo Insurance Group, you can ensure that you have the right coverage for your needs and budget.

What is included with classic car insurance in Nevada?

Owning a classic car can be a dream for many in the Las Vegas, NV area. When you own a classic car, you will have an asset that you are truly proud of and will love to care for and drive around on occasion. When you are going to purchase a classic car, it is very important to select the right insurance for it. A classic car insurance plan tends to be the right type of coverage as it offers various forms of support that can make it a good option. 

Protect Your Vehicle

A great reason to get a classic car insurance plan is to protect your vehicle. A classic car insurance policy is unique as it can be curtailed to cover the full value of your vehicle. As these vehicles can appreciate in value, you will enjoy being able to lock the appreciation in through a proper insurance plan. With classic car insurance, you can negotiate a fair replacement value with the insurer.

Liability Coverage

If you ever intend to drive your classic car, you need to have liability coverage. As you will likely drive this vehicle sparingly, a classic car insurance plan could be ideal as the premium will be based on how much you expect to drive. In many cases, this results in lower liability coverage costs. 

Leo Insurance Group Is Here To Help

If you own a classic car in Las Vegas, NV, it’s important to ensure that you have proper insurance coverage. You can protect your valuable investment by contacting our specialized team at Leo Insurance Group. We understand the necessity of this coverage and will help you choose the perfect plan tailored to your specific requirements. You can rely on our personalized approach to ensure the right protection for your unique situation. 

What is the benefit of having a recreational insurance plan in Nevada?

Living in the Las Vegas, NV area can be a great option for many. Beyond the entertainment of the casinos, restaurants, and nightlife in this area, Las Vegas is also near some very fun outdoor parks and trails. Due to this, investing in your own recreational asset can be a great idea so you can enjoy it all. When you are looking to purchase any type of recreational asset, you also need to get the right recreational insurance plan for it. 

Why Recreational Insurance?

Protect the Asset

A primary benefit of having a recreational insurance plan in place is that it can help you protect the asset. If you choose to purchase a recreational asset, you will be making a big investment that you will want coverage for. If you choose to invest in a recreational insurance plan, you will have the support you need to replace or repair the asset if it is stolen or damaged. 

Reduce Liability Risks

It is also a good idea to get a recreational insurance plan to reduce your liability risks. If you are going to drive a recreational asset, it is important that you are prepared in the event you cause an accident. With a full recreational insurance plan, you will have the liability coverage needed to offset this risk. 

We Can Help

When you are looking for a new recreational insurance plan in the Las Vegas, NV area, it would be a great idea to start the process by calling someone that you can trust. Our team with the Leo Insurance Group is a great resource to consider when you are looking for coverage. Our professionals with the Leo Insurance Group will give you guidance on selecting a plan that will meet your needs and cover your assets. 

Is RV Insurance Required by Law?

Owning an RV requires special consideration while out on the road. Protect yourself and your interests by securing the protection of RV insurance. Anyone in the Las Vegas, NV area interested in learning more about RV insurance can reach out to Leo Insurance Group to find out more. 

RV Insurance Coverage

Each state has its own requirements regarding RV insurance. In Nevada, the state doesn’t require you to have RV insurance. However, most finance companies will require specific coverage. If you want to know which coverage options you need, you can really on our team of experts at Leo Insurance Group to provide support and guidance to help you get the coverage you need. 

Our team is committed to helping educate our clients about insurance coverage and protection. We work closely with each individual and help them understand the fine print and terms and conditions of the insurance policy so they can be informed consumers. We also help them submit documentation and information to secure their policy quickly. Another part of our service is offering ongoing support by assisting with policy changes or claims submissions. You can rely on us to be there for the lifetime of your insurance policy. 

Leo Insurance Group Is Here To Help!

If you want to learn more about RV insurance and how it can provide security while on the road, let us help you find details and assist with policy selection. We are committed to helping you get the proper protection for peace of mind. Residents in and around Las Vegas, NV can call or stop by our office today to schedule a consultation for service and get the quality coverage you can rely on while enjoying your RV. 

A Guide on How to Choose the Right Motorcycle Insurance

Riding a motorcycle is a fun and popular way of cruising through traffic in Las Vegas, NV, and moving from one point to another. However, Nevada law requires riders to purchase motorcycle insurance to protect themselves, other road users, and their investments. Taking out such insurance shows that motorcycle owners can be financially responsible for any personal and property damage they may cause. Leo Insurance Group can help you choose the right motorcycle insurance coverage for your investment. 

Tips on Choosing the Right Motorcycle Insurance Policy

With numerous motorcycle coverage options available on the market, selecting the most suitable one can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you choose the best motorcycle insurance:

1. Consider the Coverage Requirements

There are many motorcycle insurance policies to meet the needs of every rider. Considering your budget and the coverage requirements can help you narrow the list. Generally, there are two types of coverage; comprehensive and third-party coverage. You can decide which cover is most suitable for your needs based on how often you use your two-wheeler and other related costs.

2. Your Premium Depends on the Cubic Capacity of your Two-Wheeler

As a general rule of thumb, the higher the cubic capacity of your motorcycle, the higher our motorcycle premiums. Thus, you should consider the motorcycle’s cubic capacity when buying and selecting its insurance policy.

3. Consider Adding Riders to your Cover

Adding riders to your policy is one way to make your motorcycle insurance coverage more comprehensive. However, you will be required to pay more on nominal premiums, and you may opt to take out personal accident cover, towing cover, zero depreciation cover, or more. 

Get Motorcycle Insurance Coverage Today

As you shop for motorcycle insurance, you should always do thorough research to understand the different options available on the market. Consider consulting an insurance expert to help you find a suitable option that caters to your needs. The professionals at Leo Insurance Group in Las Vegas, NV are ready to help you choose a comprehensive motorcycle insurance policy to enjoy legal and safe cruising along the Nevada streets. Contact us today for more information.

How Is Umbrella Insurance Different from Home or Auto Insurance?

At Leo Insurance Group we help Las Vegas, NV homeowners, car owners, and more in navigating different types of insurance policies to figure out the best plan to suit their unique needs. One frequently asked question that we receive is how umbrella insurance is different from home or auto insurance. Although umbrella insurance might seem similar to home and auto insurance, there are some key differences between these types of insurance policies.

What is umbrella insurance?

Umbrella insurance is a type of insurance policy that acts as an “umbrella” over other policies like home or auto insurance. In other words, it covers costs that stretch beyond these policies’ limits on coverage. While every umbrella insurance policy is different, most are designed to cover liability expenses, medical expenses associated with liability, and even damage to properties in some cases when these expenses exceed the primary policy’s coverage. 

Some umbrella insurance policies require home or auto insurance policyholders to have a certain level of home or auto insurance before they can approve umbrella insurance coverage. Overall, umbrella insurance is designed to give users an extra sense of financial security in the face of unexpected emergencies and difficulties.

What’s the difference between umbrella insurance and home or auto insurance?

The main difference is that umbrella insurance is not a primary policy. This means that you can’t have umbrella insurance without having some other insurance under the “umbrella” of it, so to speak. Umbrella insurance also only begins reimbursing the policyholder after the other policies have been exhausted. It’s a backup option, whereas home and auto insurance are the users’ go-to insurance for filing a claim.

To see how umbrella insurance can help, call Leo Insurance Group in Las Vegas, NV today!

How much condo insurance do I need?

With the rise of condo living in the Las Vegas, NV area, we at Leo Insurance Group are often asked: how much condo insurance do I need? The answer depends on a variety of factors, including the type and size of your condo, as well as any additional coverage you may need. 

Condo Insurance: The Basics

The basic rule of thumb is to get enough coverage to cover both your personal belongings and your liability risk. To determine the right amount for you and your needs, it’s important to review the terms and conditions of your condo association agreement. Your agreement should provide information about what types of losses are covered by the association policy and what amount of coverage is required for each item. 

Once you have reviewed the agreement, you can then calculate how much additional coverage is needed to cover any gaps in coverage. This additional coverage could cover anything from damage caused by natural disasters or accidents to theft or vandalism. Depending on where you live and other factors such as whether you rent out your unit or use it as a short-term rental property, there may be other types of insurance that you should consider adding on top of basic liability protection. 

Taking into account these considerations will help ensure that all of your possessions are covered in case unexpected events occur. For example, if a fire were to destroy all of your belongings inside the condo unit, having adequate insurance would make sure that they are replaced at no extra cost to you.

It pays to review all options when considering how much insurance is necessary for your particular situation—and talking with an experienced agent can help make sure that all angles are taken into consideration when determining the best amount for you.

Contact Us Today

For more information, call Leo Insurance Group today. We serve the Las Vegas, NV area.